Monday, June 30, 2008

Soon to be Mister and Miss Hyttenrauch...

I'm absolutely sure this is the dirtiest of photoshoots I've ever done. Within the first five or so minutes I managed to trip in tar... All over my hands, feet, shoes and the bottom of my pants. Then running around in water later I hoped for it to wash off but only got myself more wet. But, it was definitely the most fun I might add! I've always wanted to do graffiti shots with a couple and I actually ADORE these.

But thankyou very much to Nataley and Brent. There's still more pictures to come. You guys are awesome and congratulations!


mandymmillson said...

Emmy, I seriously believe you have some great potential. Keep up the good work!

I think you should throw up some pictures of me up here, you know, every now and again ;)

I love you!

Anonymous said...

the train track shots are adorable. :)