Monday, April 20, 2009

This girl, this sunshine.

So these photos have been edited, stared at, tweaked, stared at, changed, stared at, and judged, all while sitting in Lightroom for quite some time.. I thought it was finally time to share them with you :) Spring is finally on its way, bringing many more photo shoots after a long boring picture-less winter. 

But I just love the sunlight glowing in her hair. 
And speaking of things I love, this blog would be one - it just might make you think.. 


Amy said...

Emily your pictures are incredible. All of them :) ♥

did de France said...

I LOVE YOUR WORK... CONTINUE AGAIN. C'est mon conseil. :-)

Anonymous said...

hi, my name is elisha foster and i am a new photographer, just wondering how you got the glow in the background, is that through using a higher iso?? I think your images are beautiful to look at and i like your style, it brings a slight beauty element to your photography

Anonymous said...

if you could let me know that would be great

Emily said...

Hi Elisha, thankyou very much :) the glow actually isn't because of any settings in the camera - it's the timing of day and the specific positioning of the subject to where I was placed shooting the picture.. It took me a while to get it that day, lots of running around.. It's just learning how to use sunflare and lighting to benefit your pictures! To get that light you usually want to shoot between 6 to sun down. That would be your best lighting!

Hope that helps!

Emily said...

I also shoot only natural light.. So try that out!